Jesse Hawley 5 September 2014 science, writing Mammals Inherited Night-Time Living From Their Reptilian Forebears Jesse Hawley 5 September 2014 science, writing Mammals' nocturnality may be a hang-over from their reptilian ancestors.
Jesse Hawley 5 September 2014 cartoons & comics Brussels Sprouts — The shrunken heads of the lettuce world Jesse Hawley 5 September 2014 cartoons & comics Brussel Sprouts — the shrunken heads of the lettuce world (cartoon)
Jesse Hawley 3 September 2014 science, cartoons & comics The Apparent Purpose of Pugs Jesse Hawley 3 September 2014 science, cartoons & comics What pugs might be bred for (comic)..
Jesse Hawley 1 September 2014 science, writing “What's Good For You is Good For Me.” Regards, The Earth. Jesse Hawley 1 September 2014 science, writing A study predicted how much food, land, and people there'll be in 2050. It's grim.
Jesse Hawley 1 September 2014 cartoons & comics, personal What Happens When I watch TV Jesse Hawley 1 September 2014 cartoons & comics, personal Yet another reason to destroy all TVs.
Jesse Hawley 29 August 2014 science, writing Wall Scaling Secrets Unravelled: Geckos can turn their 'stickiness’ on and off at the click of a finger Jesse Hawley 29 August 2014 science, writing A recent study reveals how geckos 'stick'.
Jesse Hawley 25 August 2014 science, fine art & animation Thylacares brandonensis Jesse Hawley 25 August 2014 science, fine art & animation My reconstruction of a recently discovered 'crustacean' fossil that's pretty, pretty weird
Jesse Hawley 22 August 2014 science, writing Milky Whites: The mysterious origins of fluorine revealed by a recent astronomical study Jesse Hawley 22 August 2014 science, writing The ultimate origin of fluoride was quite unknown until now...
Jesse Hawley 19 August 2014 science, writing Monkey See, Monkey Yawn: Bonobos and humans 'catch' contagious yawns from friends more than strangers Jesse Hawley 19 August 2014 science, writing Yawn contagion isn't just for humans.
Jesse Hawley 15 August 2014 cartoons & comics Vlad the Impala, Tea. Wrecks, and the Phantom Mantis Jesse Hawley 15 August 2014 cartoons & comics Some time-consuming cartoons for some not funny puns.
Jesse Hawley 14 August 2014 cartoons & comics Niche Jurassic Park Comic Jesse Hawley 14 August 2014 cartoons & comics What happened to Nedry's shaving cream can after he dropped it? (comic)
Jesse Hawley 14 August 2014 cartoons & comics Bird's 'n Worm's Eye Views Jesse Hawley 14 August 2014 cartoons & comics A connection between two different perspectives (comic).
Jesse Hawley 22 July 2014 science, writing Kindred Spirits: How a 375 million year old fish named Tiktaalik can shape our humanity Jesse Hawley 22 July 2014 science, writing A trip through our past, proto-humans, and proto-amphibians.
Jesse Hawley 13 July 2014 personal, cartoons & comics Real Adult Jesse Hawley 13 July 2014 personal, cartoons & comics Recognise and dismiss
Jesse Hawley 13 July 2014 cartoons & comics Time Consuming Pun: That's All Forks Jesse Hawley 13 July 2014 cartoons & comics A cartoon involving a dad joke, Looney Toons, and a fork.
Jesse Hawley 8 July 2014 cartoons & comics Neptude Jesse Hawley 8 July 2014 cartoons & comics Neptude. Cartoon.
Jesse Hawley 8 July 2014 personal, miscellany Lender's Curse Jesse Hawley 8 July 2014 personal, miscellany The phenomenon where lent items are impossible to devour.
Jesse Hawley 1 June 2014 science, writing Let them eat placenta: Reptiles may need plentiful food to evolve placental feeding Jesse Hawley 1 June 2014 science, writing Reptiles can evolve live-birth (without having to make eggs). But special circumstances are needed before this can happen.
Jesse Hawley 28 May 2014 cartoons & comics More comics Jesse Hawley 28 May 2014 cartoons & comics A few comics and cartoons with ink.
Jesse Hawley 22 May 2014 science, miscellany App development: Lineage Jesse Hawley 22 May 2014 science, miscellany My contribution to a life cycle-themed iOS & Android game.