To publish my comics/cartoons I attempted a Facebook page, but I only added people I knew. Unsurprisingly, the ‘likes’ didn’t get very far off the ground. So, I’m trying the opposite tact now: instead of Facebook, a blog. And instead of people I know, people I don’t. The first post on the Pen Sapiens Facebook page was this:
“According to the rules of taxonomic naming, as well as genetic relatedness, our species ‘Homo sapiens‘ could technically be renamed ‘Pan sapiens‘. This would give us two sibling species (rather than none): Pan paniscus and Pan troglodytes, also known as the pygmy and common chimpanzee. Maybe the name change would act as a passive reminder that we’re just “apes with ego trips”, a primate species with a 200,000 year old birthday and an eventual extinction date.”
Obviously being a comic book and being done with pens, I popped in a brainless pun and Pen Sapiens was born. Here are some drawins’ with such pens:
If you were to plop in hairier, chimpier humans in the place of humans
If you were to plop in hairier, chimpier humans in the place of humans